Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hypermedia, is a term that has come into use with the internet, where “media” previously meant, video, words, film strips, movies, etc., where in todays world we add the workd “Hyper” to the word media, meaning “everything” out there in the universe/internet. Hyper means “bigger and better”, more and more. Everything is more, and bigger, and “hyper” . With the technology of the internet everything is becoming larger, grander “hyper” to say the least. A child who is excitable is “hyper” Is this the same thing that we’re finding on the internet? We’re getting excited about the “Hypermedia” Maybe Hyper everything is not necessarily good, children who are “hyper” are often given medications to calm them down, maybe all the Hypermedia of today is not all that good, all the time. Perhaps we need to slow down our pace just a bit instead of being so hyper. The internet with all the “hyper media” that is available on it will be helpful to teachers, allowing them to teach their students with all the “information” on the internet, on the “super highway” the world could be at their student’s feet. The only problem that is there with the internet is that information might not always be correct. There needs to be a way for internet users to filter the information to find true and factual information for use in the classroom. Information on the internet needs to be High Quality, factual, etc. but the problem is “how does one police” the internet, allowing only “high quality” information to be placed on the internet?

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