Sunday, October 12, 2008


My reflection: I was addressing copyright with my students when the class started in August; I gave them handouts about the rules of plagiarizing and copyright. In addition, I discussed with them how to can avoid plagiarizing in their life. Accordingly, I am going to try to give them the requirements. For example, in a course with Dr. Dalton we will be talking about authoring systems. We will be using (Dreamweaver) but this program is expensive and he gave us many options to obtain this program. First, we can use the laboratory and second, we can download a trial version of the software, a one-time download for one month. This was a good way to avoid copyright infringement. Copyright laws relate to you a teacher when you advise students not to use copyrighted materials as your own. If you as a teacher accept a student’s work that has been copied (plagiarized work of another), you are as guilty as the student of copyright infringement. The instructor, if he believes the work is not of the individual student; he should research the area and make sure the students have done the work themselves. If I am teacher I have to follow copyright law and use legally obtained materials for instructional.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


When you search by the Internet, you will find many definitions about Instructional Technology. However, I want to write my own definition. Instructional technology means to follow a new technology systematically to help teachers to find a good way to teach students. In the past, ITEC was not important in education, but now it has became an important part of education. “Instructional technology is the use of a variety of teaching tools to improve student learning.” It helps teachers and students improve skills in the classroom. My goal in instructional technology is to use these tools at home and school. Teaching people how they can use technology with their children. I hope to work with teachers and students as one group. Their roles will be important to improve instructional technology. I am teaching this way because I would like to improve education. To find the best way to improve it, I must study instructional technology. Instructional technology is not just helping education; it is fixing mistakes previously made in education. After I finish my degree I would like to work in the private sector to provide each community, this new technology (computers and everything that goes with them.) I wanted to build centers in each city to help students learn. The success is supported by research. When we support research, we will investigate our goals in instructional technology. I have to develop my skills when I finish my master’s degree. By attending this conference, and reading the research, I will learn how to develop instructional technology. Teachers both want and need to learn how to use instructional technology in the classroom and at home to help their students. There are many technologies being used in the classroom today, but there are many more available for use. Instructional Technology has become necessary in the field of education, it must continue to be improved upon and used in order for our students to learn. I have found that in Saudi Arabia, there are many teachers who are unaware of the advances in technology, and therefore they are not being used in the classroom. We need a training program to teach the teachers, so they are better prepared to teach their students.
The references:
Ø Dr.JanineShelley, InstructionalTechnologyCoordinator, SchoolDistrictU46, 35EChicago Street, Elgin, Il 60120.

Ø Karen Myers ,Secretary for Instructional Technology

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Computer Lap

Computer Lap

Having a lab for students to “practice” or “explore” computers on their own, in today’s world is essential for the students to learn. While many students have some computer access at home, they may be using the family/parents work computers for their studies, but may not have the ability to “explore” on their own. If a parent needs their computer for work, there is a risk in letting children “play and explore” on their own. There would be “fear” on the parent’s part that something the child may do, would damage their computer and then their livelihood would be in jeopardy when they attempted to use their computer for work the next day. Teachers can observe the student is learning activities from a single computer when there is a laboratory situation. Each student may have their own keyboard, but the “teacher” will be able to monitor each computer in the room from their desk. The change in environment from classroom to laboratory setting will increase the student’s willingness to learn, because of the “change” in environment. In the lab setting, I allow students a few minutes to play games on the computer, and this in turn makes them want to return to the laboratory setting in the future.