Sunday, October 12, 2008


My reflection: I was addressing copyright with my students when the class started in August; I gave them handouts about the rules of plagiarizing and copyright. In addition, I discussed with them how to can avoid plagiarizing in their life. Accordingly, I am going to try to give them the requirements. For example, in a course with Dr. Dalton we will be talking about authoring systems. We will be using (Dreamweaver) but this program is expensive and he gave us many options to obtain this program. First, we can use the laboratory and second, we can download a trial version of the software, a one-time download for one month. This was a good way to avoid copyright infringement. Copyright laws relate to you a teacher when you advise students not to use copyrighted materials as your own. If you as a teacher accept a student’s work that has been copied (plagiarized work of another), you are as guilty as the student of copyright infringement. The instructor, if he believes the work is not of the individual student; he should research the area and make sure the students have done the work themselves. If I am teacher I have to follow copyright law and use legally obtained materials for instructional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ghanim - I agree that it is most important to practice what you preach! And don't forget to point it out where and how you obtained materials, and how it is an example of not violating copyright laws.